How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
I feel that our teaser trailer and teaser film poster compliment each other well. With the poster being displayed a year before the films release and the teaser trailer being released well before the theatrical trailer and the film itself. We felt that it was important for both media platforms to be consistent with each other and so both the trailer and poster have the same tease, which is to withhold the killers face.
Additionally, we found that both of these media platforms were easy to promote through viral marketing using facebook and twitter to reach out to a worldwide audience. I feel that because the teaser trailer is short this allows the audience to identify without giving to much narrative away.
This means that the audience will be keen to discover further information surrounding the media product. This will lead to word of mouth promotion and the target audience is likely to visit the promotional facebook and twitter pages and watch the trailer on youtube. Therefore, when the poster and magazine are released, there will be an established audience that will already have some knowledge of the product and so the audience begins to familiarise with the masked killer.
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